Lost Medical Records Submitting medical records to insurance carriers for medical review is a time consuming but unavoidable medical billing activity. Many insurance carriers require documentation on any medical treatment which is above and beyond standard. . . .more >>
Negotiate a Better Managed Care Contract Healthcare billing personnel often begin to view the provider–carrier relationship as an adversarial, often dysfunctional partnership, and improving that relationship may be low on a long priority list of urgent action items. . . .more >>
Who's Reviewing Your Appeals? Man or Machine? Appeals involve highly technical issues such as clinical guidelines, specialty coding standards, quality of care and contract requirements. It takes a highly qualified appeal reviewer to respond appropriately. However, carrier appeal responses fall short again and again. . . .more >>
| Medicare Names QIC for Physician Appeals Medicare’s new Part B Fee-For-Service appeal procedures went into effect Jan. 1, 2006. As part of the new procedures, physicians may now file Level II appeals with Q2Administrators, the first independent contractor named for reviewing physician appeals. . . . more >>
Medicare and Medical Necessity The Social Security Act provision limiting Medicare coverage to medically necessary services and supplies uses broad language to reference this highly important coverage variable. Specifically, Section 1862(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act states the following. . . .more >>
Tactics To Recover Medicare Underpayments When you treat a patient who's a member of a Medicare plan and you don't have a contract with that plan, you expect to be paid the full amount you're entitled to under Medicare. But many providers are getting shortchanged. . . .more >>
Appealing Lack of Timely Filing After a MSP Denial CMS is undertaking a comprehensive effort to collect money owed to Medicare due to incorrect payments related to coordination of benefits. The result is that providers often learn of group health coverage by way of a letter requesting repayment of an incorrect Medicare payment. . . .more >>