Who Should Join?
With 3000+ members, AppealLettersOnline is the healthcare industry’s instant
connection to the latest and most effective strategies to address denied claims.
Membership to this resource provides immediate and unlimited access to more
than 1600 professionally written appeal letters and extensive information on
all aspects of effective medical claim management.
If your organization is
affected by denied claims, AppealLettersOnline.com will quickly become your
first stop in assessing your denial avoidance processes and developing
improvements and appeals to overturn denials. Our resource is designed for use
by all providers and treatment settings and is popular with clinical staff as
well as registration, patient finance and billing professionals.
Effective appeals must include more than clinical information. Our resources are
designed to educate members on regulatory protections related to claim processing.
Our letters make it easy to cite claim processing and appeal review compliance
issues with payers.
With the ever changing nature of healthcare reimbursement, connections with other
appeal experts can be invaluable. Our Discussion Forum allows members to
interact personally with contributors, advisors and other members and tap the
collective experience and expertise of the entire group.
To Join
Join now to gain immediate and complete access to all the resources in the
Member Area. To join,
use our Secure Online Order Form.