Member Benefits
AppealLettersOnline is a members-only resource-rich website with one focus:
To help healthcare organizations recover denied claim revenue and collect what is
rightfully due.
As a member, you'll receive 365 days of uninterrupted, 24-hour access to the Member-Only Area
of our site, where you'll find:
- Our comprehensive collection of over 1600 professionally-written
medical appeal letters. Our letters give members the edge on appeals by citing
potentially applicable regulatory information that demands quality appeal review
multi-media seminars that will explain
complex regulatory information regarding health coverage,
expand your thinking and give you scores of practical, proven ideas
- Our
discussion forum, where you can get insights and advice from
colleagues and industry experts on business practices, denial management issues,
technology, unique challenges and more
- Attend live or listen to
pre-recorded Audio conferences on a multitude of appeals topics
- Downloadable forms and
other information resources to make improvement easy to implement
and assist with tracking payer performance and appeal success
- Hundreds of easily-accessible,
articles, case studies and special reports on claims resolution
- Free subscription to
The Appeal Letter Newsletter delivered by e-mail each month
All the content is available exclusively over the
Internet. New content is added continuously.
Join today and guarantee your access to all of the above.
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Membership at AppealLettersOnline.com is less than $1 per day. Join now.
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Here's what our members are saying . . .!
"The service more than paid off. The first one I used had a yield of
$19,700. It was a preauthorization issue. I used one of the appeal
letters I purchased as the framework for the appeal I constructed. I
have won quite a few utilizing the letters this way. They are a
wonderful resource."
Mary W.
"My facility has been utilizing your service for almost two months. We
are actually realizing payments on Managed Care denials that we would
have otherwise written off. Also, for the first time, instead of us
hunting the insurance companies for payment, the insurance companies
are reaching out to contact us after receiving our letters. It's
amazing the turnaround!"
Sheryl M.
"I just want to say that this is the greatest reference to appeal letters that there can be!"
Agnes S.
"The content of the appeal letters really provides results, both in
overturned claims and prompt responses from carriers. Some letters work
better than others, depending on the denial reason, but they give us
the means to appeal any type of denial and exercise our right to have
denials reviewed and to be provided with proof to support their
Peggy A.
"In today's payer environment, we need to be armed with the most
powerful weapon to look out for the rights of our doctors and get them
reimbursed fairly for the work they have done. Appeal Solutions gives
us that ammunition."
Barbara C.
"I attended a Coding/Reimbursement seminar this past weekend in Las
Vegas. During the conference I announced to the crowd that your service
has saved us labor and precious revenue. I just wanted you to know that
you have an effective service and our office has enjoyed the ease and
rate of success we have enjoyed since we began using it."
Melissa G.
"I am a subscriber to your website and I absolutely love it."
Theresa D.
"I purchased the membership and wanted to
tell you that I used one of the letters as suggested by you and was
able to get the denial overturned. It was worth about $12,000."
Jolyn T.
"I never got a chance to let you know how much the letters helped me in
collections. I was able to collect $98,000.00 on JUST ONE clinical
trials case from an HMO case because of the ground work your company
did. Your letters really do work. Such a great service and a great
assistance to the patients who do not know the ins and outs of the
Insurance juggernaut. INVALUABLE TO SAY THE LEAST!"
Terri P.
"Your website has been very helpful! Worth twice the price!"
Maria T.
"I just purchased your service and only being on it the very first time
and in only 20 minutes, it is blowing my mind with all the information
and tools you offer. I have racked my brain in some instances with
these carriers and how to play their games. I have appealed,
re-appealed, and even gotten suggestions from others on appeals. Your
letters are law guided and I know will be more beneficial to us at
work. I can't wait to share this new found information. I only
purchased your product for one year as a trial basis in tracking
increased reimbursement by using your letters; but I feel I will be
extending this and/or upgrading before the year is out. Thank you so
very much, and I am glad I was surfing today. I was at the end of my
Debra M.