Resources to Decrease Denied Medicare Claims.
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Home | Medicare Denials

Healthcare Administration

Online resource to assist health care administration professionals obtain proper payments from insurers, Medicare, health plans and HMOs.


Signup Today   or   Download Sample Appeal Letters can assist providers implement an effective denial management program. 

You will find appeal letters, case studies, articles, other resources and the latest intelligence necessary to help healthcare providers make vital decisions and take strategic actions to address payer denial issues. will help health care providers actively develop the processes, analytical tracking information, educational programs and procedures needed for implementing an effective denial management program.

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Some of the topics covered at include addressing payment reductions such as usual and customary and out-of-network care reductions, lack of timely filing denials, pre-existing conditions and medical necessity appeals and improving verification of benefits procedures. Treatment exclusions, maximum benefits denials and subrogation/coordination denials are also discussed.

Training & tips are provided on appealing for interest and penalty payment on late payments and appealing a request for a refund of previously paid claims. discusses all types of claims including Managed Care, Indemnity, Government, Self-Funded, ERISA claim issues and managed care contractual payment discrepancies.


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Signup for immediate access to our database of 1600+ Appeal Letters
  • 1600 Professionally Written Appeal Letters
  • Hundreds of Denial Management Articles & Case-Studies
  • Knowledge-building online seminars, presentations & training tools
  • State Resources with links to court cases, state statutes
  • Complete access for less than a dollar per day.
Download free sample appeal letters from our database of 1600+ Letters.
  • Medical Necessity
  • Timely Filing
  • Preexisting Conditions
  • Lack of Precertification
  • Benefit Reductions
  • Refund Requests
  • Stalled Claims
  • Specialty Care Appeal Reviews
  • Workers' Comp
  • Verification of Benefits Issues
  • Coding Issues