Appeals & Denial Avoidance Training
Appeal Solutions has developed an onsite appeal training
program for organizations that want to take control of denial management in
2008. Tammy Tipton, President of Appeal Solutions and author of HCPro's
"Appeals Toolkit," has developed a comprehensive training program designed to
assist medical providers with appeals, prior authorization techniques and
contract negotiation.
Read more about this training program...
Negotiate a Better Managed Care Contract
The beginning of a new year is an excellent time to assess your need to strengthen your managed care
contract agreements. Healthcare billing personnel often begin to view the provider–carrier relationship as an
adversarial, often dysfunctional partnership, and improving that relationship
may be low on a long priority list of urgent action items. However, the
development of a mutually beneficial working relationship that fosters
problem-solving, formalizes respective duties through clear, mutually
beneficial contract terms, and encourages open, ongoing communication is
critical to the success of every healthcare organization, especially those that
are operating in areas where they can simply be dropped from their high-volume plans.
read this full article
AppealLettersOnline Featured Letters
Carriers frequently renew contracts automatically on a yearly basis without initiating a discussion of the contract
terms. AppealLettersOnline.com has added a letter for you to use to request
contract renegotiation. This letter notifies the carriers that you wish to
review payer claim processing performance and discuss updates to fee schedule
allowances and contractual protections. This letter can be easily customized to
highlight specific areas of concern so that the payer representative will be
prepared to discuss the topics of greatest impact to your office or facility. The new letter
can be downloaded in the "Managed Care" section.
Sign up to access this letter |
Medical Appeals Audioconference:
Train your entire staff on appealing denied and incorrectly
paid claims with our 90-minute audioconference featuring
information on asserting your rights when insurers deny or
underpay your claims. This conference will be held
March 4th and includes 50 proven appeal letters. Registration is limited. Call 888-399-4925 or
here for details |