
March 13, 2012

Greetings {ContactName|Appeal Letter Subscriber},

Successful Rehab Appeals Depend on Medical Documentation

Denials for rehabilitation claims based on lack of medical necessity can be appealed and overturned. . .

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Tips for Receiving Timely Decisions from Insurance Carriers

If you are having trouble getting timely decisions from insurance carriers, URAC now has online complaint filing. URAC has established standards for excellence in timely utilization review and has a number of important protections for patients and physicians. Let them know if one of their members is noncompliant with the standards. More information on using URAC in appeals is covered at www.AppealLettersOnline.com.

Access more information on URAC at AppealLettersOnline.com


Denial Noncompliance by Health Insurers

Have you noticed how many carriers are making denials purposely vague and ambiguous to make it difficult to detect unfair denials? Don't accept unfair claim denials without a fight.  If you are looking for the appropriate response to unclear and ambiguous explanations of benefits, look to your state and ERISA disclosure laws. AppealLettersOnline.com has several appeal letters citing disclosure laws that can be used to respond to poorly worded denials.

Access the appeal letters at AppealLettersOnline.com

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