
Sept 7, 2011

Greetings {ContactName|Appeal Letter Subscriber},

Two Appeals Are Better Than One: Helping Your Patients Submit Winning Appeals

What happens when patients receive health claim denial letters?

Does their blood pressure go up? Do they feel defeated and overwhelmed?

Do they call the insurance carrier? Or, more likely, do they call their trusted caregiver for assistance with this denied claim?

Patients typically seek guidance from providers on resolving insurance issues. Some are motivated and ready to appeal. Some are confused. Some are angry. Your response will have a dramatic impact on patient appeal success and their understanding of both the denial and their rights. However, your lack of response may leave them feeling alone and unable to tackle this new challenge.

Tammy Tipton, President of Appeal Solutions, will cover how to improve your patient advocacy skills in the upcoming audioconference Two Appeals Are Better Than One: Helping Patients Submit Appeals on Oct. 13th. The most obvious way to help patient with appeals, according to Tipton, is to develop a few basic appeal letters for your patients to use to initiate appeals.  However, sample appeal letters should not be distributed without providing the guidance necessary to use the letters with confidence.  During this 90-minute audioconference, Tipton will go over patient advocacy appeal steps designed to create a partnership between patient and provider through the appeal process.

Sign up or find out more about this audio conference


AppealLettersOnline.com Featured Appeal Letters

Don’t let a coding denial go unchallenged just because the denial is ambiguous!

AppealLettersOnline.com has a number of coding appeal letters designed to demand the carrier’s internal coding criteria.  Coding denials can be problematic due to the carrier’s refusal to release the source of the coding guidance used to review the claim.  Further, it is important to seek a review of any coding denial from a certified coding professional familiar with the billed procedure.

AppealLettersOnline.com has two basic coding appeal letters under the appeals topic, Basic Letters Level I and II under the subtopic, Coding.  Also, be sure to review the letters under Specialty Care Appeal Review for specialty-specific coding appeal letters.  These letters are specifically designed to assist you with obtaining the exact coding criteria used by the carrier and seek disclosure of the credentials of the appeal reviewer

Access the appeal letters at AppealLettersOnline.com


AppealLettersOnline.com Membership Upgrade Offer:  Get Easier Access To Appeals With Power of Appeals Software

The AppealLettersOnline.com appeal letter database has an appeal designed for every denial and for every underpaid claim.

In fact, most of our clients use hundreds of different letters each week.

If you are one of those clients, you are a high volume appealer. In fact, you may struggle with appeal tracking, reporting and Level II escalation due to the number of appeals you generate each week.

Power of Appeals Denial Management Software is the answer to your denial management needs. Our latest version of Power of Appeals allows you to easily import patient account data and perform efficient letter generation, track account disposition and do some insightful reporting along the way. Plus, you will have all of our appeal letters right on your desktop. It makes finding and sending the right letter easy.

Power of Appeals is only $79/month.  If you currently subscribe to AppealLettersonline.com, you can upgrade for just a few hundred dollars more per year.  Go to www.powerofappeals.com to sign up today.  Your AppealLettersOnline.com membership is free with any software purchase.

Visit PowerofAppeals.com for more information or to download a demo.

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1686 Professionally Written and Effective Appeal Letters

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